Friday, May 27, 2011

Do something

Spent y'all half of my part time salaries just for a great dinner is not really a matter
Leave y'all a sweetest smile to take over the grey day we had would mean a lot

Just wanted to do my promise and have it a happy ending
yeah, it only comes once in a while because i don't make big promise daily

thought comes sometimes when things come to money
but I tell myself money shouldn't be saved at the place of love showing, especially family

If money is the outcome of an employment or job
so happiness is the outcome of showing love, care and share

not to be afraid of losing money or no savings because of showing love
Money flows smoothly into our bank while we done ourselves a good job

today, I just wanna say
Its not a fault to earn a lot money for a better life, to enjoy around, to have fun around.
Its just something over there we have to do between.
J.D says we cant tell the future, Daniel Bedingfield says we never know what the future brings
Stop your feet for some minute, and questioning yourself whether you done your part for your family, your relatives, your close friends or someone special.
Its not a test. Its a process of going happiness.
How long we have no showing our care to them? are they doing okay ? are they waiting us to show something?
No matter what you saying, what you doing. There must be something I believe.
It is never too late to start now

just Do it before it is too late
because life is short, don't let the important things undone.

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